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iStock Pixel is available for everyone...
iStockPixel is not complete, but it's available to everyone who wants to register with iStockPixel. We are working in the background for Languages, we are translating complete website into six languages: China, France, Russia, Spanish, and Vietnamese, and of course, English is the main language that we use. In the future, if the need for a language is necessary, we will try our best to translate it. We also working in the background for transfer the contents to Amazon S3, a cloud storage which reliable. Just a note to let everyone know about the process. Thanks for visiting.

iStockPixel is online today
We have installed the script to the hosting server, in the current time we are not approve any registration for sell or buy images. We are working in the background to improve the site, secure it, and integrate the hosting server with other hosting services. Please be patient, and come back soon for more news about the site. We expect the Site will be available to everyone on January 31, 2015. Thank you for visiting.

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