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English - Extended Royalty-Free Images

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iStockPixel is a media stock site and photographers community. Every user has different community tools: personal blog, messages, reviews, testimonials, friends, avatars.

Search for Extended Royalty-free stock photography. Buy stock with iStockPixel using Paypal for a flat price of 2.99 USD, or 9.99 USD for the original file, the lowest price you can pay for the best license with the highest quality pixel. Period.

About us

iStockPixel is a new stock site created in 2015 to give webmasters, bloggers and graphic designers better licensing on images for their work. Our goal is to make it easy to find legal stock images with high quality, no limitation, and lowest possible price.

Extended License Photos

We sell Extended Royalty-Free License for our images, which you can use the image freely without limitation after you pay for it. Only two conditions: you cannot sell it on other stock media site or transfer the ownership to other parties, because you don't have full ownership of the image. If you want to buy Sell the Rights licence, please contact the photographer directly.


Our price is simple, 2.99 USD for each download, one flat price for all sizes (small, medium, large), 9.99 USD for the original file. No credit, or subscription is required. You pay for what you want to buy, no more, no less. Simple is good, we are photographers, we don't have times for complications, we save our times for taking pictures.

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